9 đźš©Red Flags Waving at Web App Front-End Refactoring

If we have to define front-end refactoring in simple terms, it involves enhancing the web applications’ overall performance and improving the structure and user experience of the front-end codebase. Web applications evolve continuously with the addition of new features and updating the existing functionalities, becoming more complex, trickier to maintain, and prone to performance issues.


Refactoring the front-end code helps address these challenges and ensures a more efficient, maintainable, and user-friendly application.

Here, at TRooTech, we have successfully catered to diverse projects related to front-end web applications refactoring, and updating the platform. Hence, our expert front-end web developers have comprehensive knowledge of the ins and outs of web applications, core challenges during development, and viable solutions.  

In this blog post, our front-end web developers, consultants, UI/UX designers, and architects have shared their personal experiences and highlighted nine red flags that should not be ignored when undertaking web app front-end refactoring. These nine flags are the speed-breakers, indicating potential issues requiring immediate attention during refactoring.  Developers can take guard against these red flags to proactively identify and resolve them, paving the way for a seamless and successful refactoring process.

We will further emphasize the importance of maintaining a clear plan and complying with coding standards and best development practices, focusing on learning new trends and technologies. It allows the developers to deliver a more performant, maintainable, and user-friendly web application.

Front-end refactoring is a critical process to enhance the quality and performance of web applications. By identifying and resolving these nine red flags, developers can tackle potential issues and improve the overall quality of the front-end codebase. With the right strategies and practices in place, front-end refactoring can lead to a more efficient and enjoyable user experience.

Let’s discuss all the core issues in detail and their solutions to be followed next. 

Red Flag 1: Lack of Code Documentation


The first critical issue that our expert front-end web developers encountered was inadequate code documentation, which hampered the entire project mostly impacting collaboration among team members. When code is poorly documented, it becomes difficult for others to comprehend its purpose, functionality, and implementation details. This can lead to confusion, errors, and delays in development processes.

Moreover, we also found that inadequate documentation makes it harder to troubleshoot and debug issues. Without clear explanations and examples, developers may spend excessive time deciphering the code's intent, resulting in frustration and decreased productivity.

Additionally, poor documentation can lead to increased technical debt. When we tried to evolve code and add new features, the lack of proper documentation made it harder to refactor and improve existing code, leading to a less maintainable and scalable codebase.

Inadequate code documentation also posed a challenge when new team members got on board, as they struggled to grasp the codebase and its intricacies. Overall, the consequences of inadequate code documentation can be detrimental to both individual developers and the overall success of a project.

The Solution

Our developers and experts took the following steps to solve this issue:

  1. Consistent Formatting: Establish a set of guidelines for documenting code, including naming conventions, comments, and indentation. Consistency in formatting improves readability and allows developers to quickly understand code segments.
  2. Inline Comments: Use comments to explain the purpose and logic behind complex code sections. Describe input/output expectations, assumptions, and potential issues. These comments serve as a roadmap for future developers working on the code.
  3. API Documentation: Document the public-facing interfaces, including classes, functions, and methods. Provide detailed explanations of their purpose, inputs, outputs, and any potential side effects. This helps developers understand how to use these interfaces effectively.
  4. Example Usage: Include practical examples and use cases in the documentation to demonstrate how to implement and interact with the code. Real-world examples make it easier for developers to understand and apply the code in their projects.
  5. Document Dependencies: Clearly outline any external libraries, frameworks, or modules that the code relies on. Specify versions and any required configurations. This helps developers understand the code's dependencies and ensures smooth integration.
  6. Regular Updates: Documentation should evolve alongside the code. Encourage developers to update documentation with any significant code changes, bug fixes, or improvements. Regularly review and revise documentation to keep it accurate and up-to-date.

Red Flag 2: Issues With Overcomplicated Scripts

Our developers also had to deal with issues of overcomplicated scripts in software and web applications that hurt maintainability and their performance. It became quite challenging for them to understand and modify the codes, leading to difficulty in making changes or fixing bugs.

Lack of modularity and code duplication further complicate maintenance tasks. Another core issue is convoluted and inefficient scripts, which slow down loading times and decrease website responsiveness, impacting the user experience.

Third-party scripts, such as analytics or advertising scripts, can also contribute to performance issues. These scripts can introduce additional dependencies and increase the overall complexity of the application. 

What’s the Solution

Here’s what our web developers did to resolve the issue :

  1. Break down complex scripts: Divide complex scripts into smaller, more manageable functions. This improves code readability and makes it easier to understand and modify the codebase.
  2. Use clear and descriptive variable and function names: Choosing meaningful names for variables and functions enhances code comprehension and makes it easier to maintain and update the code.
  3. Eliminate code duplication: Identify and remove duplicated code to reduce complexity and improve maintainability. This can be achieved by creating reusable functions or modules that can be called whenever needed.
  4. Optimize script loading: Arrange the order of script loading to improve page loading speed. Placing style sheets at the top and scripts after them allows the browser to render the HTML and then load the scripts.
  5. Regular code reviews and refactoring: Conducting code reviews and refactoring sessions helps identify areas of complexity and inefficiency. By continuously improving the codebase, developers can simplify scripts and optimize performance.

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Red Flag 3: The Challenges of Overcomplicated CSS

While doing front-end web application refactoring, we also faced the problem of overcomplicated CSS in web development presents several challenges that can impact the development process and the overall quality of the application. Our developers mainly found these core challenges that they have shared below.

Firstly, more than simple CSS can lead to code maintainability issues. When CSS becomes convoluted and difficult to understand, it becomes harder for developers to make changes or fix issues. A lack of modularity and clear structure can result in code duplication, making it challenging to maintain consistency and update styles across the application.

Secondly, performance can be affected. Overcomplicated CSS can result in larger file sizes, leading to slower load times. This can negatively impact user experience, as users expect fast and responsive websites. Additionally, complex CSS selectors and excessive use of CSS properties can cause rendering and layout issues, further impacting performance.

Thirdly, cross-browser compatibility can be a challenge. Overcomplicated CSS may rely on browser-specific hacks or unsupported features, leading to inconsistent rendering across different browsers. This can result in a poor user experience and additional development effort to address compatibility issues.

Moreover, overcomplicated CSS can hinder collaboration and scalability. When CSS is complex and lacks clear naming conventions or documentation, it becomes harder for multiple developers to work together effectively. It also becomes challenging to scale the application and add new features without introducing further complexity.

Approaches for Simplifying and Organizing CSS Code

To simplify and organize CSS code, developers at TRooTech  employed the following approaches:

  1. Modular CSS: Break down CSS into smaller, reusable modules that focus on specific components or sections of the website. This improves code maintainability and allows for easier updates and modifications.
  2. CSS Preprocessors: Utilize CSS preprocessors like Sass or Less to write more efficient and organized CSS code. Preprocessors offer features like variables, mixins, and nesting, which facilitate code organization and reduce repetition.
  3. BEM Methodology: Implement the BEM (Block-Element-Modifier) methodology to create a clear naming convention for CSS classes. This helps maintain a consistent and understandable structure, making it easier to navigate and modify the codebase.
  4. Remove Unused CSS: Regularly remove unused CSS styles to reduce file size and improve performance. Tools like PurgeCSS can automatically detect and remove unused styles from your codebase.
  5. CSS Frameworks: Consider using CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS, which provide pre-built components and styling guidelines. These frameworks offer a structured approach to CSS organization and can speed up development while maintaining code consistency.

Red Flag 4: Negative Effects of Excessive Dependencies

While refactoring the front-end web application, one of our senior developers observed that excessive dependencies on web applications can have detrimental effects on both stability and performance. He saw that when he relied heavily on external libraries or frameworks, the dependencies directly impacted the app’s stability. It resulted in crashes, errors, and unpredictable behavior.

He is also of the view that excessive dependencies can negatively impact performance by introducing unnecessary code bloat and increasing load times. The more dependencies a web app has, the more resources it requires to function properly, potentially leading to slower response times and decreased overall performance. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully manage and minimize dependencies to ensure a stable and efficient web application.

Strategies to Minimize Dependencies in Web Applications

He has suggested implementing five viable strategies to control web app dependencies, crashes, errors, and unpredictable behavior. These are:

  1. Evaluate and prioritize: Review the list of dependencies and determine which ones are essential for the application's core functionality. Remove any unnecessary dependencies that are not crucial to the app's operation.
  2. Use lightweight alternatives: Look for lightweight alternatives or smaller libraries that can replace larger, more complex dependencies. These alternatives can often provide the same functionality while reducing the overall dependency footprint.
  3. Bundle and optimize: Consider bundling multiple dependencies together to reduce the number of requests made to external servers. Additionally, optimize the size of the bundled files to minimize download and parsing times.
  4. Maintain backward compatibility: Regularly update and maintain dependencies to ensure compatibility with newer versions of the web application. This helps prevent compatibility issues and reduces the risk of introducing additional dependencies.
  5. Write custom code: Instead of relying solely on external libraries, consider writing custom code for specific functionalities. This reduces the reliance on external dependencies and provides more control over the application's behavior.

Red Flag 5: Lack of Automated Testing

It’s not just our developers and their team leaders who have shared the core challenges related to front-end web application refactoring, but our experienced quality assurance specialists and testers also have to say something about the lack of automated testing. They have underlined the issues that they faced while testing the application. These include. 

  1. Return on Investment (ROI) concerns: One reason for the lack of automated testing is the perception that the return on investment may not be significant. The time required to write and maintain automated tests may not always outweigh the time saved during test execution.
  2. Maintenance challenges: Automated tests need to be regularly updated and maintained to keep up with changes in the application. If the maintenance of tests is neglected, the test suite can become outdated and ineffective.
  3. Organizational priorities: Organizations may prioritize creating new test cases and maintaining existing ones over investing in automated testing. Debt testing, or testing that is postponed or neglected, may not be given high priority.

Top Recommendations For Implementing Automated Testing

Our QA and testing team has recommended the following steps to implement automated tools:

  1. Choose the right tools: Select tools like Cypress, Selenium, TestCafe, or WebDriverIO that align with your web app's requirements.
  2. Plan your testing strategy: Identify key functionalities and prioritize tests based on criticality and user interactions.
  3. Write clear and maintainable test scripts: Use descriptive names, follow code organization best practices, and ensure scripts are easy to maintain.
  4. Implement continuous integration: Integrate automated tests into your CI pipeline to automatically run tests on code changes and catch issues early.
  5. Perform cross-browser and cross-device testing: Test your web app on various browsers and devices to ensure compatibility.
  6. Include visual testing: Use tools like Applitools to detect visual regressions and maintain consistent UI across devices and browsers.
  7. Integrate with development workflow: Seamlessly incorporate automated testing into your development process, including running tests on every commit and generating reports.
  8. Regularly maintain and update your test suite: Keep test scripts up to date, remove obsolete tests, and add new tests for features and bug fixes.

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Red Flag 6: Common Performance Issues in Web Applications

The common performance bottlenecks in front-end  web applications include:

  1. Slow Page Loading Times - Slow page loading times may occur for various reasons as lack of browser caching contributes to prolonged load times and excessive HTTP requests impacting loading speed. You may also face issues due to unoptimized images, leading to delays. 
  2. Inadequate Server Resources - At times, insufficient server resources and capacity lead to performance loopholes coupled with limited bandwidth contributing to delays in data transmission.
  3. Front-End Rendering Issues - If the JavaScript code is not optimized, it may impact client-side performance. Also, rendering large data sets on the client side causes slowdowns.
  4. Network Latency - Developers may have to deal with slow network latency issues, impacting timely data retrieval. High latency leads to delayed communication between the client and the server. 
  5. Security Concerns - There may be security vulnerabilities posing potential exploits, such as inadequate protection against common security perils that require urgent attention. 

Optimizing the Performance of Front-End Web Applications

  1. Minimize HTTP Requests: One of the most effective ways to improve performance is to reduce the number of HTTP requests made by the browser. This can be achieved by combining multiple CSS and JavaScript files into a single file, using CSS sprites for images, and utilizing font icons instead of image icons.
  2. Reduce Server Response Time: Optimizing server response time is crucial for improving performance. This can be done by implementing caching mechanisms, compressing server responses, and optimizing database queries.
  3. Enable Compression: Compressing resources such as CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files can significantly reduce their size, resulting in faster downloads and improved performance. Gzip compression is a commonly used technique for this purpose.
  4. Minify Resources: Minification involves removing unnecessary characters, such as white spaces and comments, from CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files. This reduces file size and improves loading speed.
  5. Optimize Images: Image optimization plays a crucial role in front-end performance. Techniques such as compressing images, using the appropriate image formats (e.g., JPEG for photographs, PNG for graphics), and lazy loading images can greatly improve page load times.
  6. Leverage Browser Caching: You can instruct the browser to store certain resources locally by setting appropriate caching headers, reducing the need for repeated downloads. This can significantly improve performance, especially for returning visitors.
  7. Implement Responsive Design: Optimizing front-end code for mobile devices is essential for providing a smooth user experience. This can be achieved by implementing responsive design principles, optimizing images for mobile, and minimizing the use of heavy JavaScript.
  8. Defer Non-Critical Resources: By deferring the loading of non-critical CSS and JavaScript files, you can ensure that the critical content of your page is loaded first, improving perceived performance.

Red Flag 7: Inconsistent Design Patterns

Challenges Posed By Inconsistent Design Patterns

  1. Maintenance Issues: Inconsistent design patterns complicate code maintenance, leading to confusion and errors.
  2. Learning Curve: Developers face challenges understanding and adapting to disparate patterns, hindering onboarding.
  3. Interoperability Problems: Integration between modules becomes challenging due to conflicting design approaches.
  4. Reduced Code Reusability: Inconsistency hampers the ability to reuse code across projects, increasing development time.
  5. Quality Assurance Challenges: Testing becomes intricate as varied patterns may require different testing strategies.
  6. Scalability Concerns: Scaling a system becomes complex when inconsistent patterns impede uniform expansion.
  7. Documentation Ambiguity: Lack of design pattern consistency makes documentation less intuitive, impeding knowledge transfer.

Benefits of Adopting Consistent Design Patterns During Refactoring

  1. Improved Maintainability: Consistent design patterns streamline code maintenance, reducing errors and enhancing overall system stability.
  2. Efficient Onboarding: Developers grasp the architecture swiftly, fostering a shorter learning curve for new team members.
  3. Enhanced Interoperability: Uniform design patterns facilitate smoother integration between different components, ensuring seamless communication.
  4. Increased Code Reusability: Consistency promotes standardized, reusable components, saving time and effort across projects.
  5. Simplified Testing: Uniform patterns simplify testing procedures, ensuring comprehensive and consistent quality assurance.
    Scalability Facilitation: Consistent design supports easier scalability, enabling the system to expand seamlessly.
    Clear Documentation: Uniform patterns lead to clearer and more intuitive documentation, aiding knowledge transfer and collaboration. update your test suite: Keep test scripts up to date, remove obsolete tests, and add new tests for features and bug fixes.

Red Flag 8: Non-Responsive Design

Significance of Responsive Design In Modern Web Applications:

  1. Cross-Device Compatibility: Responsive design ensures web applications function seamlessly across various devices, from desktops to smartphones and tablets.
  2. Enhanced User Experience: Adaptable layouts provide a consistent and optimal user experience, regardless of the device used, improving satisfaction.
  3. SEO Benefits: Google favors responsive sites, enhancing search engine rankings and visibility.
  4. Cost Efficiency: A single codebase for multiple devices reduces development and maintenance costs compared to separate mobile and desktop versions.
  5. Future-Proofing: With the proliferation of diverse devices, responsive design future-proofs applications, adapting to new technologies without major overhauls.
  6. Global Accessibility: Responsive design caters to users worldwide, accommodating diverse screen sizes and resolutions for a global audience.

Approaches For Implementing Responsive Design During Front-End Refactoring

  1. Media Queries: Use CSS media queries to apply different styles based on device characteristics like screen width, height, or orientation.
  2. Flexible Grids and Layouts: Implement flexible grid systems and fluid layouts to allow content to adapt proportionally to different screen sizes.
  3. Responsive Images: Use CSS and HTML techniques to ensure images scale appropriately, optimizing for both performance and visual appeal.
  4. Viewport Meta Tag: Utilize the viewport meta tag to control the viewport's size and scaling, ensuring proper rendering on various devices.
  5. Progressive Enhancement: Start with a basic layout and progressively enhance features based on the capabilities of the user's device, ensuring a functional experience for all users.
  6. Mobile-First Design: Prioritize mobile design, then progressively enhance for larger screens, promoting a streamlined and efficient user experience.

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Red Flag 9: Lack of Accessibility

Challenges of Lack of Accessibility in Front-End Web Applications:

  1. Exclusion of Users: Inaccessible web applications alienate individuals with disabilities, limiting their ability to access and interact with online content.
  2. Legal Compliance Risks: Non-compliance with accessibility standards may result in legal consequences and penalties.
  3. Negative Brand Image: Inaccessible interfaces can harm a brand's reputation, as they reflect poorly on inclusivity and user-centricity.
  4. Reduced User Base: Lack of accessibility narrows the potential user base, affecting market reach and engagement.
  5. SEO Impact: Inaccessible content may perform poorly in search rankings, affecting discoverability.
  6. Development Challenges: Retrofitting accessibility into an existing system can be complex and time-consuming, posing challenges for developers.
  7. User Frustration: Inaccessible interfaces lead to frustration, hindering the overall user experience.

Strategies For Improving Accessibility During Front-End Refactoring

  1. Conduct Accessibility Audits: Evaluate the existing codebase using tools like Lighthouse or AXE to identify accessibility issues.
  2. Implement ARIA Roles: Use Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) roles to enhance the semantics and accessibility of interactive elements.
  3. Keyboard Navigation: Ensure all functionality is accessible and navigable using a keyboard alone, catering to users with motor impairments.
  4. Contrast and Color Accessibility: Optimize color contrast and provide alternative text for images, accommodating users with visual impairments.
  5. Semantic HTML: Use proper HTML elements to convey the document structure, aiding screen readers and other assistive technologies.
  6. Testing with Real Users: Involve users with disabilities in testing to gather valuable feedback and address specific usability concerns.
  7. Continuous Education: Regularly educate development teams on accessibility best practices to foster a proactive mindset in building inclusive interfaces.


When considering front-end refactoring for a web application, it is crucial to pay attention to the red flags that may indicate areas in need of improvement. These red flags warn of potential issues that could impact the application's performance, maintainability, and user experience.

By addressing these red flags promptly, developers can improve the codebase and ensure a more efficient and robust web application. Red flags such as overcomplicated scripts, complex CSS, and code duplication should be tackled through techniques like code simplification, optimization, and modularization.

Regular code reviews, refactoring sessions, and adherence to best practices are essential to identify and mitigate these red flags. Additionally, using tools and frameworks that promote code organization, such as CSS preprocessors and CSS frameworks, can streamline development and enhance maintainability.

By heeding these red flags and taking proactive steps to address them, developers can create a more maintainable, performant, and user-friendly web application that stands the test of time.


Web app refactoring is the process of restructuring and optimizing the codebase, architecture, and design of a web application without changing its external behavior. It aims to improve the application's performance, scalability, maintainability, and user experience by addressing technical debt, eliminating redundant code, and adopting modern technologies and best practices.

Several reputable software development companies specialize in web app refactoring and modernization. However, TRooTech stands out as a top choice for web app refactoring development. With a proven track record of delivering high-quality refactoring solutions tailored to clients' specific needs and objectives, TRooTech combines expertise in software architecture, design patterns, and emerging technologies to optimize and enhance web applications for improved performance and scalability.

Refactoring an application offers several benefits, including:

  • Improved code quality: Eliminating technical debt and reducing code complexity.
  • Enhanced performance: Optimizing algorithms, data structures, and database queries.
  • Increased scalability: Redesigning architecture to handle growing user traffic and data volume.
  • Better maintainability: Simplifying codebase and making it easier to add new features and fix bugs.
  • Enhanced user experience: Improving usability, responsiveness, and accessibility of the application.

  • Assessment: Evaluating the current state of the application, identifying pain points, and defining goals for refactoring.
  • Planning: Creating a roadmap for refactoring, prioritizing tasks, and estimating resource requirements.
  • Implementation: Restructuring code, optimizing performance, and enhancing functionality while ensuring minimal disruption to the application's operation.
  • Testing: Conduct thorough testing to validate changes and ensure that the application behaves as expected.
  • Deployment: Deploying the refactored application to production and monitoring its performance in real-world usage.

The main purpose of web app refactoring is to improve the overall quality, performance, and maintainability of the application. By restructuring and optimizing the codebase and architecture, refactoring enables businesses to adapt to changing requirements, scale their applications, and deliver better user experiences while reducing technical debt and long-term maintenance costs.

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Vishal Nakum

Vishal Nakum is a tech enthusiast with a passion for exploring the latest developments in the world of technology. He has a keen interest in emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Blockchain, and enjoys keeping up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in these fields. Vishal is an avid learner and is always on the lookout for new ways to expand his knowledge and skills. He is also a creative thinker and enjoys experimenting with new ideas and concepts. In his free time, Vishal enjoys playing video games and reading books on technology and science.