Hyperautomation Trends Businesses Must Watch in 2024

Right after AI, hyperautomation is set to drive the digital transformation. This upcoming technology has been identified as the #1 digital trend by Gartner. And, shortly, it will be the top choice of business leaders to actualize their vision of smart operations.


As per the latest reports by Market.us,

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Right after AI, hyperautomation is set to drive the digital transformation. This upcoming technology has been identified as the #1 digital trend by Gartner. And, shortly, it will be the top choice of business leaders to actualize their vision of smart operations. 

Today, we are going to delve right into the rabbit hole of hyperautomation. What are the latest hyperautomation trends, their benefits, and integration.

But first, let us understand,

To quote Deloitte, “Hyperautomation refers to a combination of complementary sets of tools that can integrate functional and process silos to automate and augment business processes.”

And, to put it in simple terms, hyperautomation is a strategic integration of various smart technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), etc. to automate maximum organizational processes.

From, startups to established companies, businesses across diverse domains, scopes, and sizes are leveraging hyperautomation technology to realize their true potential through automation. 

Hyperautomation Tools

Before hopping on the train of hyperautomation trends, businesses need to decide which tools to choose. From Machine Learning (ML) to Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and from intelligent business process management suites (iBPMS) to low-code or no-code tools, there are numerous options to choose from. And, not to mention the cost involved.

This is why, choosing the right tools that are scalable, easy to use, and can be competently integrated by your team is crucial. To get a good insight into which tool to pick, let us have a look at the key elements of hyperautomation.

The Essential Elements of Hyperautomation Trends Are: 

Artificial Intelligence :
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an element that serves multiple purposes. It includes Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and similar processes to identify inefficiencies and automation scope.  

This helps businesses to automate tedious tasks, so they can focus on other essential matters. With every new model, AI is getting smarter, its uses are also increasing, thereby making it an ideal solution for taking charge of multiple tasks.

From data management, and organization to driving the results, AI has been automating numerous tasks across diverse domains. This is why, integrating AI-driven solutions has become one of the leading hyperautomation trends.  

Event-Driven Software :
RPA, iPaaS, iBPMS, etc. are event-driven softwares that are used to streamline data migration even in cases where APIs are not compatible.

Hyperautomation, combined with RPA can streamline the process through data manipulation. This is also the primary reason for increased investments in RPA and hyperautomation market.

iBPMS is the missing piece in the puzzle of designing technical infrastructure that simplifies the collaboration between machines and developers.

Conversational Process Software :
AI-based chatbots are a part of every business regardless of industry. But with the latest advancements, AI-based tools are now powered with cognitive intelligence that can respond to users as per their emotional state as well.

If you combine it with RPA, you get a powerful hyperautomated technology that can resolve nearly all of the commonly occurring issues without the need for human representatives. Using conversational process automation, businesses can significantly improve their customer services. 

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Benefits of Hyperautomation

The primary motive for integrating hyperautomation software is not to replace the human workforce but to free them from mundane tasks. This will allow the resources to focus on more important or primary tasks.

It simplifies data organizing, managing, and analyzing for faster decision-making. This helps the businesses supervise internal operations and handle customer services better. 

Some of the top benefits are -  

Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity:
Integrating hyperautomation software means employees can focus on values-intensive tasks. While, machines handle data entry, documentation, customer service, and other mundane duties.

The two-fold  benefits of integrating these services would be better resource allocation and better investment. Thus making it an essential ingredient for the growth of your businesses.

Increased Accuracy and Reduced Errors:
If you are in a data-intensive industry, then you must be aware of the issues associated with manually handling, organizing, and maintaining data. It is time-consuming and often prone to errors.  Hyperautomation technology has just the right solutions for these challenges.

Features like maintained data accuracy, automated data organization, restructuring, and processing will eliminate the reliance on human resources.

For example, the healthcare industry deals with a massive amount of patient data in the form of medical history, treatment provided, test reports, and whatnot. Handling them is tiring, but can be streamlined by integrating the right healthcare software development solutions.

So shorten the tower of files in your office and move from complicated paperwork to a few easy-to-navigate clicks with hyperautomation.

Faster Decision-Making and Response Times:
Businesses can leverage the real-time data processing and analysis capabilities of hyperautomation. It allows them to make decisions and resolve customer queries faster. The hyperautomation software can process large volumes of datasets to provide actionable insights.

Businesses utilize these insights to make informed decisions and not rely on intuition to make decisions. Automating the tasks also implies faster and more accurate analysis thus faster decision-making with all the necessary data at hand.

Improved Customer Experience and Personalization:
The advent of AI opened up opportunities to introduce automated chatbots and improve customer relationships by providing faster services. 24/7 availability, instant response, faster resolutions are known to be some of the key benefits of AI-integrated custom chatbots.

To augment it further, hyperautomation enhances these services by creating personalized services, tailored campaigns, and smart interactions by utilizing data-driven analytics. 

Many tend to confuse hyperautomation with automation. However, the two convey different concepts. Hyperautomation is an extension of automation and involves numerous complicated processes.

Automation is a basic-level approach involving automating single rule-based tasks. Hyperautomation, on the other hand, involves automating more complicated tasks.

Let us understand in detail, how both of them are different from each other. 

Difference Between Automation and Hyperautomation

Automation focuses on automating a single aspect of the whole process, while hyperautomation comprises transforming the entire business operations to make the process more efficient.

  • In terms of scope and complexity, automation is applied to specific well-defined tasks like data entry, organization, and filtering. Hyperautomation is a more comprehensive approach that automates end-to-end processes comprising multiple systems and data sources.  

    For example, in the healthcare industry, the form-filling process can be automated via automation since it is rule-based, but hyperautomation can optimize the whole process from appointment bookings to report tracking.
  • When it comes to integrations and operations, automation requires minimal to no integration since it involves a single software application and operates in isolation. In the case of hyperautomation, numerous systems and databases are integrated for a seamless workflow.

    Like, consider, a pencil manufacturing company, that uses robots to lift heavy containers of the final product, that are ready to be shipped. It works independently, which is automation. But if we integrate robots for shaping, painting, assembling, and other processes that work together, this is hyperautomation.  
  • Regarding decision-making capabilities, automation works with a set of predefined rules and cannot work against them. While hyperautomation, along with AI/ML and other latest technologies, can read, analyze, understand, and improvise based on new data. It is more dynamic compared to automation services.

    Like chatbots, for example, automated ones let customers choose from the options fed into their system for query resolution. But if hyperautomated, more personalized NLP-powered chatbots can be designed with proficiency in human language to give better context-driven customer service. 
  • If we talk about scalability, automation doesn’t offer much scalability and flexibility to changes in processes or tasks. While hyperautomation, on the contrary, offers higher scalability, flexibility, and faster acceptance.  

    Like, in the pencil manufacturing example above, a robot designed for heavy lifting, won’t optimize anything but what it is designed to do. On the other hand, optimizing robots in hyperautomated systems will easily make every step of the process more efficient if needed.
  • Bringing the discussion to continuous improvement features, automation requires manual integrations of updates, hyperautomation on the other hand is designed to implement regular updates based on the inefficiencies, gaps and automation opportunities.

    In the education sector, automation would be integrating smart boards, followed by regular maintenance and updates done manually. As in the case of hyperautomation, the board itself would be capable of identifying any gaps or opportunities, eliminating the need for manual check-ins.  
  • Now finally, the implementation approach, automation works in a case-by-case setting, addressing specific tasks or challenges. While hyperautomation works holistically, it provides a complete automation solution aimed at optimizing the entire workflow.

    So, if we go back to the first example of the healthcare sector, diverse tasks like data entry, checking for doctor availability, etc can be automated as independent processes. And in contrast, hyperautomation integrates smart automation solutions at a much larger scale, optimizing the processes as a whole. 


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Top Hyperautomation Trends in 2024

The upcoming year has innumerable and exceptional hyperautomation trends in store to optimize your business operations just as you wish to kickstart the new year. From optimizing process delivery to improving customer services, with hyperautomation, all digital solutions will witness unmatchable growth.

So, let us look at the top 10 hyperautomation trends set to revolutionize the business landscape in 2024. 

Trend #1 - AI-Powered Process Discovery

It is a dynamic tool that can analyze the present business operations to identify the obstacles and opportunities to automate them. This can help them shift their operations from time-consuming manual processes to AI-driven automated solutions.

AI-Powered Process Discovery provides useful insights into how well the automation solutions sync with the business requirements. Regular evaluation ensures any gaps (if there) are taken care of. Additionally, the tool itself continuously evolves and adapts to business demands.


Trend #2 - Equal Distribution of Automation 

Do you know what makes these hyperautomation solutions more effective? Their equal distribution.

Leaders are realizing the importance of well-distributed resources for improved operations and collaboration; making it the second most popular among all hyperautomation trends.

Corporates deploy automated resources seamlessly by using platforms requiring minimal to no coding. It facilitates collaboration between IT teams and other business units by reducing dependency on IT operations. 

A dynamic and collaborative workspace would improve customer satisfaction with faster and better services.

It is these benefits that are making even non-IT businesses jump into the sea of digital transformation with software development outsourcing to effectively allocate the required resources for maximum productivity and profitability.

Trend #3 - Hyperautomation in Customer Services 

What do you think of 365*24/7 customer support? Sounds good? Now, think of the same thing, but with human-like interaction, and that’s what we are talking about when we say hyperautomation in customer service.

Today, these automation solutions can help businesses optimize various stages of the customer journey. It can be leveraged to automate appointment scheduling, use predictive analytics to understand customer preferences for a better customer experience.  

Additionally, NLP-powered AI bots can enhance the customer journey with context-based human-like responses, resulting in better customer retention.  

Not just for the customers, these integrations can take the load off of employees’ shoulders as well. Automating mundane tasks allows them to work on complex matters, leading to seamless growth and expansion.

What makes this one of the top hyperautomation trends  is, it not only optimizes the customer’s end of the business operation but optimizes the internal management as well.

Trend #4 - Hyperautomation in Cybersecurity 

All of us here are well aware of the cybersecurity issues and with everything going online, it only seems to get more complicated. But the good part is uncomplicating it, only requires the right hyperautomation software integration.

Risk-prone aspects and abnormalities can be detected with AI/ML-based solutions followed by determining the right tools to solve the issues.  

Automated detection and resolutions, can save a lot of hours for businesses which can be invested elsewhere. Doing this will make the system more secure without compromising security.

What’s more? Integrating hyperautomation software would mean secure infrastructure, no data breach, and faster more reliable services.

Trend #5 - IoT+ Hyperautomation 

IoT generates a huge amount of data using sensors and other connectivity devices like smartwatches, wearables, trackers, etc. With the help of this data, business can enhance their decision-making process. When combined with hyperautomation, it can further quicken the process.

The data generated by IoT can be easily evaluated by hyperautomation for effective analysis and predictions about possible maintenance requirements. Additionally, if you integrate RPA, you will get a faster, data-driven automated response. The RPA and hyperautomation market will also witness a significant boost with this trend.

For Example, in the retail industry, IoT sensors and connected devices can gather information about buyers’ behavior, improve inventory management, etc., and effectively organize it with hyperautomation technology.

This will not only enhance the management but will also help provide useful insights for the retail software development teams. It will help them design the appropriate solutions.

These integrations lower the human efforts, the cost involved, and the resources required while enhancing the quality of services offered.

Trend #6 - Supply Chain Management and Hyperautomation 

Hyperautomation trends can significantly benefit supply chain management as well. Solutions like automated inventory control, real-time data analysis, etc. have already become a crucial aspect of supply chain management.

Reduction of transportation costs while managing the increasing customer demands are some of the many benefits. But what makes this a hyperautomation trend is, that with this supply chain management can get the much-needed flexibility and maintain relevancy in the ever-changing business landscape.

Trend #7 - Hyperautomation for Regulatory Reporting and Compliance

Regulatory reports and compliance are followed by businesses across diverse industries to ensure transparency and build the client’s trust. With hyperautomation, it can be very easily simplified.

The use of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics can automate the procedures while also minimizing human-made errors. Businesses will be able to gather real-time information to identify potential inconsistencies and threats.

After identifying the potential threat,  it can automatically generate compliance reports for a better understanding. This can be highly beneficial for industries like healthcare, fintech, and other banking-related operations that involve a massive amount of sensitive data.

It not only guarantees data security but also minimizes the risk of non-compliance penalties and streamlines regulatory compliance.

Trend #8 - Hyperautomation in Healthcare

Modern technology has already spread its branches in the healthcare industry as digital record keeping and personalized medicines. Now, hyperautomation will unlock a new chapter in the digitalization of healthcare.

Envision automated patient record-keeping for accurate and easy-to-access patient details or AI-based diagnostic tools for precise diagnosis. These and many such benefits can be actualized with hyperautomation.

Additionally, to simplify the workflow, automated systems can be integrated for seamless appointment scheduling and post-treatment follow-up. The hyperautomation software integrated across different stages and operations streamlines the workflow in healthcare.

Trend #9 - Environment-Conscious Hyperautomation 

The fast-paced digital development has made everyone question how environment-friendly these advancements are. If there is a sustainable solution or are we neglecting the environment for the sake of our comfort?

This led to a new hyperautomation trend, i.e., sustainable or eco-friendly hyperautomation services. The primary goal is to ensure that the automation solutions are designed while considering their impact on the environment in mind.

Companies can take conscious steps towards sustainable growth by integrating low-energy consumption automation solutions or using energy-efficient systems. It can be measured by tracking the carbon footprint by incorporating sustainability data into the strategy.

Incorporating environment-conscious practices will make hyperautomation integration a win-win approach for businesses. They can design a comfortable workflow without costing the environment

Trend #10 - Continuous Learning and Adaptation 

Ongoing learning, adapting, and upgrading automation systems is one of the key hyperautomation trends to remember in 2024. Businesses can benefit from advanced performance evaluations and data analysis to track real-time performance.

The data derived from regular monitoring can help developers pinpoint improvement opportunities, required tools, steps, and techniques for modifications along with other useful insights.

Translating these insights into effective resource allocation and management would empower businesses to maintain relevancy throughout the changing business landscape.  

How to Implement Hyperautomation in Your Organization?

Just like how hyperautomation simplifies business operations, its integration can also be streamlined with these 13 steps:

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While updating your technological infrastructure per hyperautomation trends is essential, what’s more important is understanding that this transformation is a continual journey, not an end destination.

The more you familiarize yourself with hyperautomation and its nuances, the more refined your skills will get. 

Some Hyperautomation Examples Are -

  • Streamlined Operations - Businesses can leverage hyperautomation for integrating smart chatbots that can handle day-to-day tasks. With it, they can quickly address regular customer issues and resolve them using AI and NLP. This will keep the human resources available for handling the more complex queries.
  • Task Automation - Automating tasks like data entry, verification, and cleaning using RPA will quicken the process while reducing human errors. Additionally, using ML algorithms to filter through the vast data to find the relevant ones can improve decision-making.
  • Optimized Management - Hyperautomation can optimize supply chain management as well. It can facilitate the real-time tracking of inventory, auto-reorder the stocks when needed, overall management, and effectively track processes. Further down the line, these hyperautomation trends might adjust the production schedules based on the demands and market tendencies.
  • Predictive Maintenance - Businesses avoid equipment failure by benefiting from IoT sensors and predictive analytics. It helps them actively track and maintain the application thereby ensuring continual operations. 

The hyperautomation trends have materialized into exceptional solutions that are now catering to the businesses, their needs, requirements, and approaches. You can easily find them through the hyperautomation use cases. These use cases are the documentation of how hyperautomation has augmented growth and streamlined processes for numerous businesses. 


2024 is right around the corner, and with that a new chapter of digital transformation will be unlocked led by hyperautomation trends. The upcoming technology is not only going to facilitate the current business processes but will continue to grow, upscaling the businesses with it.

So let the advanced technology open up new possibilities for you. Optimize your business operations from internal management to customer services with top-notch solutions that meet your requirements.

TRooTech is known for providing contemporary solutions for all business needs. Our teams at TRooTech stay updated with the latest RPA and hyperautomation market trends to provide only the best and latest solutions to our clients.

Hire offshore developers from TRooTech and harness innovative solutions to maximize your business’s growth potential.   


Hyperautomation is an advanced strategy that uses smart technologies like AI, ML, RPA, etc. to automate business processes at a much broader scale. 

The main difference between the two is - automation focuses on a single process while hyperautomation works with a holistic approach with current technologies. 

It improves efficiency and quality of work. Hyperautomation also reduces manual labor thereby accelerating the process further. It also helps employees focus on more important tasks by automating the secondary processes.

The three are the essential components of hyperautomation as they enable smart decision-making, improved analysis, and automation. 

For a successful hyperautomation integration, businesses should thoroughly plan, evaluate, and select the fitting tools before they begin.

Since hyperautomation is a complex process, businesses should seek expert consultation services from software companies like TRooTech. They should also consider referring to online resources like training guides for effective and seamless transitions. 

More About Author


Vaishnavi Baghel

A writer and technology enthusiast who illuminates the digital landscape through her blog posts at TRooTech - a Leading Custom Software Development Company. She brings forth a wealth of knowledge on emerging technologies, software development, Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence. Join her on the quest to unravel the complexities of the tech realm and stay up-to-date on the ever-evolving IT trends.

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