Uber for Business: Grasp The Entrepreneurial Subtlety


The vision:

To provide a hassle free commute to the employees of the respective firms.

The solution:

Employees can commute through Uber with a billing scheme that bills the rides of employees directly to their respective firm’s account with no added charges or taxes.

The launch:

Uber for Business was launched in 2014 as a result of increase in the number of business travelers and their urge for convenience with comfort has crossed the mark of 50,000 businesses engaged successfully.

And what could be more enticing for employees to get a thumbs up by the firms they serve on taking care of their travelling?

This concept was introduced with a substantial marketing strategy and a mission to target organizations by helping them in various ways, such as cost cutting by making the employees travel within the company policies only, increase their productivity by relieving them from the stress of driving and parking, by an easy start of the day, reduce the work of admin by scheduling travel programs for all the employees of the firm, etc.

In short,

An efficient way to manage and improve business travels of employees, along with their comforts in the first place.

You can get a meticulous look on the features of Uber application here before proceeding with the Uber for business case study.

Uber’s a master! See the effect on employee commute costs?


Often there is a misconception about the employees that they will choose a mode of transportation that can cost a lot to the company, as company is paying for their commute. But this one clearly stands out as a lie in true sense.

All the employees, irrespective of their position, care about the commute costs and often end up choosing the cheapest possible mode of transportation to save money. Whether it is taxi or any other mode such as UberPOOL, they choose the money saving option always.

Also Read: List of Unknown Facts About Best On Demand Taxi Booking Business: Uber

The value created! Read the employee’s views on using Uber


Employees view Uber as a safe mode of transportation regardless of what time of day it is, holiday or not, any season and any place.

A few prominent things that entice the employees to use Uber are:

  • Employees working late can find a safe option to get home with Uber.
  • In case of business travels in unknown cities, Uber being a familiar platform can give them a sigh of relief and a reliable source.
  • Employees use scheduled rides during their airport travels and yet again Uber is their savior.

Know which exact features bolstered Uber for Business? No? Want to know?


For Businesses

There are n numbers of features provided by Uber in this model to compel the organization to use it and pop their biggest stress bubble of travel management. Let’s have a look at some of these provocative features.

  • Devise custom travel programs
  • Varied Permissions
  • Group specific access
  • Clean and streamlined User Interface
  • Employee perks
  • Customer rides
  • Candidate rides

For Employees

It is an altogether a collective serendipity for the employees as they are the ones benefiting the most by this model launched by Uber. Here are some of the features assisting employees.

  • Use of same account for personal and business travel
  • After each business trip Uber provides an option of adding the expense in the company’s account for business travel
  • An option to fill the expense memo during the ride
  • Detailed trip summary with status of the expense code
  • Bifurcation of personal and business trip details
  • Freedom from paper receipts and fumbling with cash

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Have a recount on the working of Uber for Business


For Businesses

Businesses get a simple and manageable dashboard to manage the transportation, employee’s data and can even customize view of the Uber for Business account.

The admin or manager schedules rides for a given period of time for all the employees subjected to undergo any type of travel whether it is a business trip, employees travelling to-from home, etc. This task is simple using the set and forget feature that simplifies the task of travel management for the admin.

Working of uber for businesses_TRooTech Business Solutions

Next comes the task of adding employees, it can be done in two ways, either add by their existing Uber account or upload csv file to add a list of employees. Admin can view whether an employee has accepted an invitation or not by different icons that display the enrollment status.

Admin now can view all the trips taken by the employee under business account because it has a very interactive user interface. This history includes all the relevant details such as time, date, source and destination addresses, city, type of vehicle, and total trip time.

Admin can also set and forget rides for all the employees in a given time frame and can review and apply their expense codes later on. Also different policies can be created for different employees depending on their work and travelling priorities.

working of uber for businesses 2_TrooTech Business Solutions

The default policy for any business is any time and any place, but admin can limit the pickup location, and pickup time. If any employee requests outside these policies then their charges will be applied on their personal accounts.

Admin can differentiate employees by making groups and assigning various rights to them. Even they can get perks if they are excelling in the company than Uber credit can provided to certain employees in the form of employee perks.

For Employees

As an employee, you will have two options either to use your existing personal account or create a new business account. In case of personal account you get an option to switch at the time of booking or scheduling a ride.

When you are travelling through business account, you will get an option to enter the expense code and memo. These details have to be filled before scheduling the trip if your admin has made them mandatory, otherwise it is to be filled in the expense info tab after requesting for a ride.

working of uber for employees_TRooTech Business Solutions

Now, there’s one thing that has to be take care here, the expense info cannot be filled once the trip has ended. The expense memo that is filled by the employee will be directed to the Uber for Business admin and it will be added in the trip receipts as well as monthly statement.

All the details of an employee’s trip will be visible to the admin of the Uber for Business of the relevant company with a trip summary included in it.

But employees can be rest assured about one thing that the details about trips taken from the personal account will not be shared with the admin.

Suggested Read: 10 Definite Reasons Why Uber Similar App Plan is Best For your On-Demand Services Startup

How Uber for Business benefits the employees?


Here is a brief description of the perks employees can have by the use of Uber for Business.

  • Save company’s money and your time
  • Late night’s hard work can be paid off by a comfortable and safe ride home
  • Get to the airport conveniently and on time
  • Business travel made easy, travel to any city with scheduled rides
  • End of the year parties and client meetings done with no hustle of travelling
  • Commuting to and from work is transformed into comfortable and quick rides

“Uber for Business” — Why?


We saw how employees can get an easy way to commute, but what about the businesses, why should they go for this model? Din’t that bother you? Let’s try to justify that too.

  • Schedule multiple rides
  • Manage expense info with a click
  • Know when employees reach their destination
  • A familiar platform for employees with control in the business’ hands
  • Hassle free payment
  • A lucid dashboard to view and manage everything
  • Set it and forget it
  • Differentiate users based on their travelling needs
  • Admin can mark non-compliant rides
  • Watch and flag employees


I think these are enough reasons to hop in the trend of Uber for Business.



Changing the way of business by revolutionizing the business travel itself.

A way to provide comfort to the employees and increase their productivity, yes Uber for Business has lots in store for your businesses!

Start with Uber for business, or something more exciting? Building your own Uber similar application, we have a plethora of features to pump up the game for your business idea. Something just popped into your mind, quickly share it with us.

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Vishal Nakum

Vishal Nakum is a tech enthusiast with a passion for exploring the latest developments in the world of technology. He has a keen interest in emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Blockchain, and enjoys keeping up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in these fields. Vishal is an avid learner and is always on the lookout for new ways to expand his knowledge and skills. He is also a creative thinker and enjoys experimenting with new ideas and concepts. In his free time, Vishal enjoys playing video games and reading books on technology and science.