ServiceNow vs Salesforce: Which One Is Best for Your Business

In recent years, the focal point of digital integration has shifted from optimizing basic operations to improving the customer experience. The current landscape demands complete assistance throughout the customer lifecycle, which led to the introduction of Custom Relationship Management (CRM) platforms, with Salesforce and ServiceNow leading the market. Businesses started to compare the two platforms side by side and thus began the ServiceNow vs Salesforce dialog.


What is Salesforce and ServiceNow?

Before getting into the ServiceNow vs Salesforce discussion and talking about the similarities, differences and which CRM platform will suit your business model the best, let’s understand what exactly are Salesforce and ServiceNow.


Initially launched as a SaaS tool, Salesforce soon made its stronghold in the CRM market by expanding its services and emerging as a one-stop solution for the organization. It simplifies the management across all the facets of the business process, from sales to customer services to marketing and internal operations.

It evolved further to provide specific services catered to the particular industry. For example, developing a Health Cloud for the healthcare sector and a Finance service cloud to optimize the finance sector.

So every business can easily integrate the Salesforce service cloud specifically created to fulfill their industry requirements. This is why, over the years, the demand for Salesforce developer increased as businesses learned more about its benefits.


In very basic terms, ServiceNow is a web application that facilitates and optimizes workflow by automating routine tasks, simplifying tracking, and managing customer relationships. Though it caters to the business's IT operations, ServiceNow is much more versatile.

ServiceNow provides both PaaS and SaaS offerings, making it stand out amongst its competitors.

It provides businesses an opportunity to automate the workflows in IT, Human Resources, and Customer Services departments using the ServiceNow software, making it a Software as a Service model.

On the other hand, businesses can also design tailored business applications powered with numerous features like reporting, integrations, security, and many more with the help of the ServiceNow platform, thus making it a Platform as a Service model.

It also facilitates legacy software integration, thus simplifying the collaboration of people from different operations. ServiceNow automatically detects and fixes any bug if present in the application and its security management tool makes sure that the app’s security is not compromised.

Prominent Features of Salesforce and ServiceNow

Both Salesforce and ServiceNow are highly optimal and feature-rich. This is why businesses are actively participating in the ServiceNow vs Salesforce discussion. They draw a parallel between the two to compare and contrast their features and know which will fit their business model the best.

Some notable features of both the CRM platforms are:


Salesforce offers numerous elements, making it one of the top choices among businesses that want to effectively manage and augment their overall system. Salesforce service cloud helps businesses manage and resolve customer queries faster, thus improving customer experience, while the Sales cloud helps optimize sales operations.

  • Opportunity Management
    This is a  Salesforce software feature that can be used to augment the complete sales cycle with simplified tracking and management of potential deals. The sales team can leverage this to create an opportunity along with its details like its stage, amount, expected revenue, closing date, and probability of success.
  • Sales Forecasting
    It is a data-driven prediction that provides insights about the expected revenue generation from the product or services. It uses Artificial Intelligence to derive the forecast and answer how much and when to invest in a particular service, goods, etc.

    Sales Forecasting is not just used by the Sales team. Product leads also use it to predict when to start investing in a new product, begin its development, and launch it based on the market and customer behavior.
  • Contact Management
    This feature allows businesses to effectively manage their customer base by storing their information in an organized manner. It includes things like their phone number, email, and past interactions with similar products or services.

    This will help the Sales team track customer interactions and understand the customer’s interest to design an effective strategy and improve conversion rates.
  • Email Integration
    Another perk is that Salesforce allows you to integrate Gmail or Outlook with your Salesforce software and streamline the interaction between your sales reps and customers. Using this, you can send, receive, and track emails directly within Salesforce for easy access to information.

    This will save the time of manual data entry from the email platform to Salesforce while reducing the chances of discrepancies. Salesforce also offers a number of unique templates that can be used for generating automated emails.
  • Lead Management
    Salesforce captures the information filled in by potential customers in the form of lead generation. This saves them the time of filling up the information manually and prioritizing the leads based on the different factors.

    This feature of Salesforce software automates the follow-up activity thus assisting in quicker, better lead evaluation and conversions.


Being both a PaaS and SaaS cloud-based platform, ServiceNow is packed with features designed to augment business operations. The IT Service Management (ITSM) and ServiceNow CSM streamline internal and external operations equally. Thus making ServiceNow a preferred choice among numerous business leaders.

  • IT Service Management
    It is a tool that makes sure smooth operations by regularly checking for and resolving minor bugs in your computer hardware and software. It also points out important technical challenges which can be taken up by the development team.

    This augments internal operations by allowing your technical team to track the issue, assign it to the concerned person or team, and take follow up regarding the progress until it is resolved. ITSM streamlines the whole process, making disaster management much more effortless.
  • Workflow Automation
    As the name suggests, workflow automation allows for streamlined and efficient workflow by automating routine tasks. This reduces the chances of manual errors while also saving essential resources.

    Numerous tasks like sending welcome emails, giving the salary, solving general queries, etc. can be easily automated once the system is fed with required data correctly thus improving operational efficiency.
  • Analytical Reporting
    This tool is leveraged by businesses to get insight into their operations, understand customer behavior and sales trends. Analytical Reporting takes the data to provide clarity regarding the current business status through graphs and charts.

    Businesses use this to get a complete picture of their business’s current performance and make informed decisions based on the situation.
  • IT Operations Management
    This feature offered by ServiceNow is used to uncomplicate IT service management and delivery.

    Unlike ITSM, which is concerned with how the IT solution is delivered, IT Operation Management deals with the methods used to deliver the IT solutions.

    This tool helps the team to easily coordinate and manage issues during the development process. Using ITOM, developers can spot and resolve any issues at an early stage for streamlined development.
  • Customer Service Management
    Customer Service Management or ServiceNow CSM is a feature that can be used to streamline the processes on the customer’s end. It allows the company reps to solve customer queries, make the system more engaging and improve customer interactions.

    Using ServiceNow CSM, businesses can easily automate resolving basic queries, simplify navigation, and give personalized responses faster in comparison to when done manually. This will help refine the brand image and boost customer loyalty.
  • To Wrap up This Section
    It is the parallelism between the two that makes the discussion on ServiceNow vs Salesforce more interesting. Be it in terms of the elements offered by them or the approach or implementation of it.

    Though, both of them are still equally advanced and are designed to augment the overall business, which one of them will be the best fit is still a question worth considering.

    So whether you should hire Salesforce developer or a ServiceNow developer would depend on which platform will add more value to your business.

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ServiceNow vs Salesforce - Similarities

Regarding ServiceNow vs Salesforce, it is hard to pick one over the other despite the differences between the two because of the similarities at the fundamental level. Whether it is in the form of enhancing the sales and marketing process or optimizing the IT workflow, both platforms essentially improve and manage customer relations with the brand.

Some similarities between Salesforce and ServiceNow are:

  • Both are designed to facilitate workflow through automation and streamlined operations to boost productivity.
  • Being CRM-based platforms, both of them simplify hybrid working operations, thus encouraging businesses to go for offshore software development and expand their business internationally.
  • Businesses can build user-friendly interfaces and mobile accessibility using either of the two; Salesforce or ServiceNow.
  • Salesforce software offers easy third-party integrations, which even ServiceNow software does but with limited app access.
  • Both of them offer customized solutions to meet the specific needs of a business easily.
  • Salesforce and ServiceNow both platforms offer a complete view of the customer journey with the brand or the organization.

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ServiceNow vs Salesforce - Differences

While there are similarities in their end goal, both Salesforce and ServiceNow differ in terms of their approach. We have taken numerous factors like performance, usability, the basic idea behind the two, and many more to see how the platforms differ.

This will help you see the contrasting factors between ServiceNow vs Salesforce and better understand the unique purpose served by both platforms.

The features that set both Salesforce and ServiceNow apart are mentioned below:


In terms of performance, there is a minor difference between the two, which does not necessarily affect the overall performance.

ServiceNow has an average of 1.5 seconds load time with 99.9% uptime. Salesforce, on the other hand, has an average of 2.5 seconds of load time with 99.9% uptime, according to the customers.

So, using ServiceNow software will reduce downtime, while Salesforce software will provide faster performance. Regardless, you will get an outstanding performance with both of them.


Regarding the implementation of ServiceNow vs Salesforce, the difference can be seen in the basic approach behind the development of both platforms.

ServiceNow is primarily designed to augment and manage IT services. However, the ServiceNow platform can also be used in HR departments and project management. Additionally, it can improve customer service with the help of the ServiceNow CSM feature.

Salesforce is fundamentally a CRM platform that aims to optimize customer relationships. While its main function revolves around marketing and sales, businesses also choose Salesforce to design Logistics management software. Its versatile usages across multiple domains make it a leading CRM platform.


This is where one can notice a striking difference between the two platforms.

ServiceNow is a platform mainly used by IT professionals to manage IT service workflow. It focuses on delivering tools and services to automate and optimize the process.

While Salesforce is designed for marketing and sales departments to assist in streamlining their processes. It is more scalable and has various features that streamline multiple operations across the organization.

Salesforce is also more flexible, easier to use and scalable compared to ServiceNow.


Salesforce clearly wins the ServiceNow vs Salesforce debate with regard to integration.

ServiceNow software integration offers limited options and is a relatively complex process. This is why businesses rely on third-party tools for easy integrations, which might make the process expensive.

On the other hand, Salesforce comes with built-in features and pre-existing integrations, like Salesforce Service Cloud, to simplify the process without any additional charges. Choosing Salesforce will allow businesses to access the Salesforce AppExchange cloud marketplace to find ready-to-install solutions, apps, and much more.

Customer Services

A satisfied customer is the key to any business success. Both Salesforce and ServiceNow prove to be valuable assets when it comes to improving customer service.

Though a bit different in approach, they are powered by tools specially designed for managing customer relations. ServiceNow uses the tool ServiceNow CSM and Salesforce leverages the Salesforce service cloud to manage and improve user experience.

ServiceNow has a dedicated Customer Service Management tool called ServiceNow CSM to provide 24/7 customer services via different channels by combining automation and digital workflow. While the system can easily take care of the general queries, ServiceNow can also connect the customer with a human representative for complex issues.

Salesforce uses the Salesforce service cloud that resolves customer inquiries with its case management system. It provides better and faster services through multiple channels like live chat, email, and 24/7 on-call support. This thing enhances internal operations along with customer services.


While both platforms offer top-level security, both again differ in terms of the methodology used.

The multi-tenant architecture feature of the ServiceNow platform uses role-based access control. It boosts security by separating customer data and applications from each other. This prevents data vulnerability and security breaches.

Salesforce offers security measures like data encryption, two-factor authentication and real-time alerts for advanced security measures. Using Salesforce software would also provide access to Salesforce security modules, where there is a three-level security as t+data is stored in three structures: objects, fields, and records.

Future Scope

The whole ServiceNow vs Salesforce discussion needs to be seen from the prospect of its future growth as well. The present Artificial Intelligence statistics suggest that AI/ML-powered solutions will continue to expand their scope and augment the complete business operations.

This takes both the CRM platforms into account and allows the businesses to see and understand which platform will give better returns upon investing.

ServiceNow is an upcoming business that uses AI/ML-based solutions to customize workflows and increase productivity. While Salesforce is the leading CRM platform that will continue to grow globally and probably dominate the market with its robust services.

Ultimately, whether you hire DevOps developer for effective ServiceNow integration or a Salesforce developer to integrate Salesforce, growth and positive results are guaranteed.

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When to Use Salesforce and ServiceNow?

Choosing between ServiceNow and Salesforce is nearly impossible. Both are equally amazing, can be great assets for a business, and have a proven track record of providing quality service.

So, in the end, the essential requirements determine the end of the ServiceNow vs Salesforce discussion. Below is a comparison of both the CRM platforms - ServiceNow software and Salesforce software.

The following pointers show which service to go for based on your requirements and why.

Customer Relationship Management

If you are looking for a reliable platform for better customer relationship management, then Salesforce is the perfect choice. Though ServiceNow also has a CSM tool to enhance customer relations, CRM was the fundamental idea behind the development of Salesforce.

Workflow Automation

If your end goal is workflow automation, then both Salesforce and ServiceNow platform can be chosen. In that case, other things like pricing, performance, and further usage can be the determining factors in choosing one.

For IT Operations

For IT-oriented businesses, ServiceNow software integration would be a better option than hiring a Salesforce developer. ServiceNow is the go-to choice for all IT-oriented management solutions. With numerous features to support IT operations, from tracking to managing to automating and many more, it can be highly beneficial for your business.

Custom App Development

If you want a one-stop solution for all your custom software development needs, hire a Salesforce developer. While both Salesforce and ServiceNow software offer custom app development, Salesforce software encompasses all the services you need for the development, from in-built third-party integrations to a vast range of customization options. Salesforce will definitely simplify the whole process.

Sales and Marketing

Packed with elements like Sales Forecasting, Lead management, Email integrations, etc. Salesforce is the obvious choice for this one. As said before, ServiceNow also offers customer service management services, but Salesforce delivers more features and services.

Customer Services

Based on the solutions offered, you can choose which platform to choose between ServiceNow vs Salesforce. Both are leading CRM platforms, with the only difference being that Salesforce offers more flexibility than ServiceNow.

Field Service Management

If you are looking for management solutions for complex IT operations, then ServiceNow software would make an ideal choice, while if it is for customer-facing services, then go for Salesforce. In the end, both are robust and optimal solutions.

Enterprise-Level Management

Whether you should add a Salesforce developer to your team or integrate a ServiceNow platform depends on your company size, requirements of digital integration and the scope of services you seek.

ServiceNow vs Salesforce - Which Platform to Choose?

A lot goes into choosing the right CRM platform, and when selecting between these two, it will be a close call because of how feature-packed and versatile both are. Between ServiceNow vs Salesforce, there is no one choice for all situations.

The “best platform” to choose will depend on your top requirements. What are the things you can and cannot compromise during the implementation? Do you have enough resources? Do you want to improve your IT operations or sales processes or both? All these questions will lead you to the right platform.

The next thing would be to consider what you want to prioritize with the CRM platform integration. ServiceNow primarily offers assistance with IT operations - manage, augment, and refine them while providing customer service solutions with the CSM tool.

On the other hand, Salesforce is an established comprehensive CRM platform with a major focus on sales and marketing processes. It is also coming up with its set of IT-based solutions, but it is not as good as ServiceNow.

All in all, it can be said that there is no “right choice” to pick between ServiceNow vs Salesforce. Both platforms are in sync with the current digital transformation trends and can help you gain a competitive edge.

So, in the end, whether you hire a Salesforce developer or connect with a ServiceNow expert, both options will be equally beneficial. And about the question of how much, it will depend on your choice of platform against your requirements.

More About Author

Chirag Akbari

As the Salesforce Director of Technology, Chirag leads the design, implementation, and management of customized Salesforce solutions for our clients. With extensive experience in Salesforce architecture and strategic planning, Chirag ensures that all projects are aligned with clients' business objectives and delivered on time and within budget. He oversee a talented team of Salesforce professionals, fostering innovation and adherence to best practices. Chirag is dedicated to providing exceptional client service, from initial consultation through to training and support, ensuring that clients maximize the value from their Salesforce investments.

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